Shield Your Device From Cyber Threats
Cyber threats are ever increasing. From sophisticated phishing attacks to data breaches, protecting your device is paramount. Follow these six key points to help safeguard your digital life:
1. Keep Your Software Updated:
Why it matters:
Outdated software often contains vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.
How to do it:
Automatic Updates: Enable automatic updates for your operating system and software applications.
Manual Updates: If automatic updates aren't available, check for updates regularly and install them promptly.
2. Use Strong, Unique Passwords / Passphrases or Passkeys:
Why it matters:
Weak, easily guessable passwords are a prime target for hackers.
How to do it:
Password Manager: Use a reliable password manager to generate and store complex passwords.
Unique Passwords: Create unique passwords for each account. See the Secure Password Learning Module for best practices.
Passphrases: Passphrases follow the same guidelines as secure passwords, but make it easy for you to remember and hard for hackers to guess.
Passkeys: Passkeys are the most secure method of securing your login credentials. See the Password Fatigue? Say Hello to Passkeys Learning Module for best practices
3. Be Wary of Phishing Attacks:
Why it matters:
Phishing attacks trick you into revealing sensitive information.
How to protect yourself:
Verify Senders: Double-check email addresses and links before clicking.
Avoid Suspicious Attachments: Don't open attachments from unknown senders.
Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification. See the Multi-Factor Authentication Learning Module for best practices.
4. Use Reliable Antivirus Software:
Why it matters:
Antivirus software helps detect and remove malware.
How to use it:
Real-Time Protection: Keep your antivirus software running continuously.
Regular Scans: Perform regular scans to identify and remove threats.
Update Regularly: Ensure your antivirus software is up-to-date.
5. Back Up Your Data:
Why it matters:
Data loss can be devastating, especially if caused by a cyberattack.
How to back up:
Cloud Storage: Use cloud storage services to back up your important files.
External Hard Drives: Store backups on external hard drives.
Regular Backups: Create regular backups to protect against data loss.
6. Avoid Public Wi-Fi When Possible
Why it matters:
Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, making them easy targets for cybercriminals. Sensitive data transmitted over these networks can be intercepted and compromised.
How to do it:
Use a VPN: A VPN encrypts your internet traffic, making it difficult for hackers to intercept your data.
Avoid Sensitive Activities: Refrain from activities like online banking, shopping, or accessing sensitive emails on public Wi-Fi.
Strong Passwords: Use strong, unique passphrases for all your online accounts, especially when using public Wi-Fi.
Be Cautious of Public Wi-Fi Hotspots: Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots unless necessary.
Enable Firewall: Keep your device's firewall enabled to provide an extra layer of protection.
By following these essential tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. Cybersecurity is an ongoing process, so stay informed and adapt your security measures as threats evolve.
This training series is based on the CAN/DGSI 104 NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA Baseline cyber security controls for small and medium sized organizations (typically less than 500 employees), the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security controls and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
This tutorial is a guideline for best practices, but you are encouraged to review your company's password policy to ensure you are following your organization's procedures.
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